What is VOIP VOIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone service over the Internet. If you have a reasonable quality Internet connection you can get phone service delivered through your Internet connection instead of from your local phone company. Some people use VOIP in addition to their traditional phone service, since VOIP service providers usually offer lower rates than traditional phone companies, but sometimes doesn’t offer emergency service, phone directory listings, or other common phone services. While many VoIP providers offer these services, consistent industry-wide means of offering these are still developing. Lower Cost In general phone service via VOIP costs less than equivalent service from traditional sources. This is largely a function of traditional phone services either being monopolies or government entities. There are also some cost savings due to using
5 call centre telephone systems – solutions
5 call centre telephone systems – solutions – If you run a call centre and you need some amazing tips to optimize your results, here’s 5 tips for you. Tip 1 call centre telephone systems Another call centre story here
SA voip Industry Analysis
SA voip Industry Analysis Industry Analysis The South African voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) market was set up in 2005 and is still in the growth phase of the development lifecycle. Considering market age and the relatively low penetration of broadband infrastructure – only 60,000 users of VoIP services in 2008 – there exists a large opportunity for growth. The fiscal crisis has exerted direct pressure on margins in the financial services and retail sector. “Historically, the South African telecommunications market was dogged by high pricing owing to a lack of true competition in the industry,” notes the analyst of this research service. “VoIP offers a low cost alternative to traditional fixed line calls; this is the technology’s most compelling feature, particularly in the light of the economic meltdown.” With authorities expected to introduce regulatory measures such as geographic number